Message From Principal


“For Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is but a Vision
But today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of Happiness
and tomorrow a vision of Hope”

Dear Parents,

It gives me great pleasure as the principal of the “Millennium World School, in extending a warm welcome to all our students, faculty and staff, and our greater school community.

We view education as the development of the whole child – the social and the spiritual too. Each student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents bestowed upon by God, but with lot of motivation, encouragement, hard work and guidance of the parents and teachers they discover their individual potential.

Keeping in mind the inherent potential of each child we cater to multiple intelligences by engaging them in the seven ways of learning through stimulating activities that focus on intrapersonal, interpersonal, spatial, linguistic, kinesthetic, musical and mathematical needs which are customized to the individual. A child centric place,” Millennium World School” offers spectrum of activities leading to multiple experiences and enrichment of students. Each of these activities is like the beads of a rosary, tied to a common thread – of Trust and Excellence.

Offering our students the latest in curriculum enhancements in a safe and state of the art learning environment, we are sincerely committed to educate and bring up an emerging generation who possess a global perceptive and will be positive contributors to the community as a whole.

With your guidance and by following their Almanac code and calendar, I am sure, they would make us proud and make significant contribution to their family, school, society and eventually to their beautiful country.

Warm regards,

Ms Seema Gupta

